Perfect Gift this holiday for your loved one, for your sister, mother, wife, daughter, friend, partner
- Womban Alchemy Tea
- Yoni Steaming Herbs
(click to learn more)
With its rich aroma and soft berry undertone, it leaves you feeling calm, relaxed, and comforted. Its healing properties are bountiful and seek to help women in all the phases of their lives.
The benefits for Womban Alchemy include:
Improves digestions
Regulate gallbladder, liver and kidneys
Alleviates pain
Helps with menstrual disorders
May normalize reproductive support
Useful for gastro-intestinal inflammation
Aids digestion and serves as a stomach tonic
Mild sedative properties
Detoxifies and purifies blood
Aids in alleviating menopausal effects on the body
Promotes skin and hair health
High in antioxidants
May help lower blood pressure
Could promote weight loss
Strengthen the immune system.
Mind relaxing.
Help to reduce high blood pressure.
Have strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and antiseptic properties.
Promote a healthy scalp and healthier hair growth.
May help fight off infections and bacteria
Useful for the treatment of female chronic conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS, adenomyosis, pelvic inflammation, fibrocystic breast disease, infertility, menopause, menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), menstrual difficulties (amenorrhea) and more
(click to learn more)
When we are connected to our most sacred space, we are connected to the deepest part of ourselves. We have self love and we respect ourselves. We see this space as our most sacred space and we welcome only those who are worthy into this sacred temple.
If you are looking for specific ways to honor this sacred space, look no further! Vaginal Steaming is one of the best ways to Honor your Yoni.
Benefits of Yoni Steaming:
Most of the side-effects reported while steaming are positive. Users have reported the following:
better sleep and lucid dreams,
decreased swelling in legs and feet,
decreased abdominal pain and bloating,
slimmer waistline,
increased libido and sexual sensation;
increased vaginal nectar and fertility,
decrease in breast soreness,
fewer headaches,
fewer PMS symptoms and improved emotional balance,
reduction in incidence of hormonal acne
Increased lubrication and vaginal nectar
Scar softening
Tighter vaginal cnaal and
Harmonizaiton with the moon cycle
Deeply connects a woman with her source of power
Heals the womb